Commemorative Plaque for Hogar Heroes
With the Grand Opening of the Maria Auxilidoria Hogar right around the corner there is a lot of planning to do. Work, Play, Love has been working with The Orphan’s Hope Project since 2010 and have collectively raised over $150,000.
Karen Rodas, the orphanage founder, is pulling out all of the stops to make this an incredible celebration. Kim Melia will be in Guatemala for the entire month of May to help with the Grand Opening.
For those of you that will be there in person, you will get to experience firsthand the joy that we have personally been blessed with. You’ll have the opportunity to meet the beautiful children, see the brand new building and experience an entirely new culture. Your lives will be touched forever.
As the facility is almost complete and our previous goals met, we have committed to continue our support by funding the day to day operations. This includes electricity, maintenance, teachers, medication, water, psychologist, food and all needs the girls may have.
The cost will be approximately $5,000 per month to run the girls orphanage. Our goal is to have 200 monthly sponsors or more that average $25/mnth.
We have named this group “Hogar Heroes” and we currently have 70. The current Heroes donate anywhere from $10-$50 per month. We thank and appreciate every one of you!
To show our appreciation and hopefully inspire others to join the Hogar Hero program, we will be making a beautiful plaque that will hang for generations to come at the girl’s orphanage. We want your name hanging on that wall!
The plaque will be unveiled at the Grand Opening. Anyone that signs up as a Hogar Hero by March 10th will get their name on the Grand Opening plaque. You will also be invited to attend the Grand Opening in Guatemala May 24, 2014.
Here’s what you should do next:
Step #1 Become a Hogar Hero
Step #2 Like us on Facebook to get all the updates and see these amazing kids.
Step #3 Help Spread the Word and Post to Your FB Timeline that You Just Became a Hogar Hero (you can link in the post www.WorkPlayLove.com)
Thanks for helping us be heroes to some incredible children.
Work, Play, Love,
Mike, Steve and Kim Melia
Hi Melia Family!
I am inspired to your cause and would like to join the opportunity working with this project. I am wondering if you have already met any deaf or hard of hearing Guatemalans in the age group of 3 to 21 years old. I’m sure there are some around there. Feel free to contact me at 727 755 6610 or email me. Looking forward to be in this great project supporting the cause. I will definitely make a donation commitment and also share this with others.
Hi Kim! We will commit to $25.00 monthly. Please send details.
Also would like to forward email regarding books. I am a retired teacher. We met in Ft. Lauderdale when you were here this month providing us with Awesome training!
I would love for you to join the Hogar Hero program…just visit: https://kimmelia.com/donate/
THANKS a Million!!!